
São colocadas como “comentários” as notícias de eventos, conferências, workshops, e outras actividades associadas à avaliação de tecnologia, estudos em ciência, tecnologia e sociedade (STS), ou gestão da inovação.

São também incluídas notícias que de modo sistemático vários institutos europeus de avaliação de tecnologia publicam:


RSS news feeds:

EA European Academy of Technology and Innovation Assessment GmbH –

News of the Institute for Technology Assessment –

New messages of the Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis –

TAB-News | Büro für Technikfolgen-Abschätzung beim Deutschen Bundestag (Parlamento alemão) –

Wuppertal Institute OpenTA Feed –

Research briefings produced by the Libraries of the House of Commons and House of Lords and the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (POST) –

Latest International TA News (Portal TA) –


31 Responses to “Notícias”
  1. abmoniz diz:

    Winter school course on
    Proceed with caution? – Concept and application of the Precautionary principle in Nanobiotechnology

    from 20th February – 25th February 2011 in Muenster, Germany.

    The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research funds a Winter School course on ethical, legal and social aspects of nanobiotechnology and nano-medicine, which will be held by the Centre for Bioethics, Muenster University and bioanalytik-muenster, from 20th February – 25th February 2011 in Muenster. Young researchers of different academic fields will have the opportunity to present parts of their work and to discuss with renowned international experts in the field.
    Full information/call for papers:

    Click to access call_for_papers_pp_in_nanobio.pdf

  2. abmoniz diz:

    Systemic Reflection of Innovation – Technology Assessment in Shaping Technology
    NTA4 – Fourth Conference of the „Network TA“

    November 24th – 26th 2010, Berlin, Germany

    Aims and contents of the conference
    The conference NTA4 is to reflect the prospective view on systems comprehensively and to highlight
    chances and limitations in technology shaping and innovation politics.
    Feasibility of technology implications and practical examples are to be presented, discussed and
    evaluated. From this basis methodological and conceptual challenges and essential future
    developments are to be worked out.
    The scientific talks in the following three sections of the conference are to reflect three main problems
    dealing with systemic reflections in TA:
    Section 1 is to focus on prospective views on the systems dealt with. Insecurity of prospective
    knowledge therein is augmented by the broadness and complexity of the respective systems.
    Section 2 is putting scientific and technical developments into a context of their further utilization. This
    requires the combination of reflecting systems and their limitations both technically and socially.
    Section 3 is looking for methodological solutions of the characteristic conflicts occurring when framing
    and analyzing systems comprehensively but also with an adequate detailedness.
    A panel discussion about parliamentary TA, a poster session of young scientists and a plenary session
    with international experts from science and industry are completing the program of NTA4.

    Click to access nta4_conference.pdf

  3. abmoniz diz:

    10th IAS-STS Annual Conference
    “Critical Issues in Science and Technology Studies”

    May 2-3, 2011

    Institute for Advanced Studies on Science, Technology and Society (IAS-STS)

    The IAS-STS in Graz, Austria, promotes the interdisciplinary investigation of the links and interactions between science, technology and society, technology assessment, as well as research on the development and implementation of socially and environmentally sound technologies. Therefore, IAS-STS hosts international fellows and research associates through its fellowship programme. Additionally, the institute organizes an annual conference on “Critical Issues in Science and Technology Studies”.


    **Gender – Technology – Environment**

    — Special session 1: “Issues of Inclusion and Exclusion in Web 2.0”
    For this part of the conference, contributions on the topic “Issues of Inclusion and Exclusion in Web 2.0” are looked for. Web 2.0 is considered as user-centred and democratic: Everybody is said to be able to participate and it seems that nearly everybody does. However, this is not the case of course. The Internet with all its interactive applications is not as colourful as it could be, it does not represent the ‘real’ world and it is definitely not democratic per se.
    In this session we want to discuss
    – boundaries and possibilities,
    – theoretical inputs and empirical research,
    – gender, queer and intersectionality issues of the current Internet.
    Besides a critique on the current Web 2.0, we will discuss utopias as well – how can the Internet be further democratized?

    — Workshop: “The Concept of ‘Heteronormativity’ and its Methodological Implications”
    Conference participants interested in joining this workshop please contact Birgit Hofstätter ( by March 31, 2011

    **Ethical, Legal and Social Aspects of Human Genetics and Agricultural Biotechnology**
    A main focus of the conference will lie on research projects providing a critical analysis of human genetic research or of agricultural biotechnology. Researchers investigating either ethical, legal and social aspects of genetic testing in the medical domain or risk policy and wider governance issues related to agricultural biotechnology are especially encouraged to contribute.

    **Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP)**
    SCP seeks to promote social and economic development within the carrying capacity of ecosystems. New strategies and concrete tools are needed to change individual and institutional patterns of consumption and to enhance corporate responsibility (CR) of organisations. Researchers investigating patterns of consumption and intervention strategies to promote sustainable lifestyles among both public and private consumers or working within the thematic field of ecological product policy are encouraged to give a presentation. Research projects integrating product assessment tools such as LCA, carbon footprint, MIPS or related methods are also of special interest.

    — Special Session 2: Trans-disciplinarity in sustainability studies
    We invite presentations dealing with concepts, models and experiences of trans-disciplinary research (TDR) in the context of ecological and social sustainability. We are interested in reflecting the possibilities and limits of this type of research.
    The trans-disciplinarity panel will be organized along specific sessions, and we are looking forward to experience based or conceptual papers with a focus on one of the following issues:
    1. Integrated knowledge production: An important aspect of TDR refers to topics of the production of new and integrated knowledge. We shall discuss questions about the ways in which different kinds of knowledge – represented by the different actors participating – are both being treated and integrated in the research process.
    – How do TDR actors work together to develop mutual learning, new understandings and to produce new and integrated knowledge?
    – How does social learning relate to knowledge integration?
    2. (policy) Intervention: Interventions resulting from trans-disciplinary research activities may proof the specific relevance of this specific type of research. We would like to reflect on the potential for interventions based on empirical papers, which describe interventions that have been taking place in the context of carrying out TDR, and under what circumstances that happened.
    – Which kinds of interventions take place in TDR?
    – How can TDR be designed in order to allow for interventions?
    3. Societal relevance of trans-disciplinary research: TDR is considered being a useful tool for solving complex ‘real world’ problems. The added value of this mode of research is often ascribed to its societal relevance and a high potential for societal impact. In this session we want to discuss the societal relevance on the basis of concrete cases.
    – How do specific cases illuminate the societal relevance of TDR-activities?
    – Which methodological tools can be applied to assess the societal relevance of TDR?
    The sessions will be affiliated to the final conference of the project “Sustainable behavior at work and in private life” organized in parallel to the IAS-STS conference.

    — ‘Sustainable behavior at work and in private life’ – final conference
    The first part of the conference deals with the specific characteristics and quality criteria of trans-disciplinary research projects. The experiences gained in the project ‘Sustainable behavior at work and in private life’ are contrasted with contributions of other researchers in the field of sustainability. The second part of the conference is limited to the German speaking audience and will be organized as a half-day workshop. The main inputs and conclusions will be summarized and fed back to the IAS-STS conference.

    **Energy and Climate**
    Presentations in this field should develop appropriate measures and strategies for the promotion of renewable energy sources and for the transition to a sustainable energy system. Regional governance, climate policy strategies, innovation policy, technology assessment, and the role of users in the area of energy technologies should play an important role.

    –Special Session 3: “How do you manage? Unravelling the situated practice of environmental management”
    People manage their environments, all of us in everyday life, and some more specifically as professionals. Many of the decisions we take and activities we practice, in everyday life as well as in professional roles, have consequences on our environments. In order to explore more sustainable ways of living in this world, however, we need to better understand these various forms of environmental management. This session will discuss environmental management as a practice, as a situated unfolding of social relationships, desires, routines, and materials. Thereby, we aim to gain insight into some of the processes by which sustainability and unsustainability are being produced.
    Contributions to this session may address, but need not be limited, to the following questions: How do people “manage” their environments in everyday life? How do those who are explicitly considered environmental managers understand their mission, opportunities and limitations? How do particular forms of knowledge, organizations and implementation instruments structure the engagement of the “manager” and her subject matter? And how does this subject matter itself figure as an active participant in the process?
    The session is organised by IFZ in cooperation with the Environment, Management and Society research group (

    **Information and Communication Technologies**
    The fifth focus of the conference will be put on novel developments based on ICT from an STS perspective. Topics like ICT and agency, ubiquitous computing or ICT and mobility shall be analysed with respect to their wider social and political implications. Further issues of interest are the social shaping of ICT developments, innovation policies, risk management and participatory approaches to the design of ICT systems and applications.


    The 10th IAS-STS conference invites all current and former fellows of the Institute for Advanced Studies as well as other interested researchers in the area of science and technology studies. The conference provides a forum to discuss on a broad variety of topics in the STS field and especially papers are encouraged which include some aspects of the above mentioned conference themes.

    Abstracts should include no more than 250 words, comprising detailed contact information, affiliation and specification of the conference theme you are referring to. Submission of abstracts should please be send to Birgit Hofstätter ( by *Monday, January 24, 2011*.

    We also appreciate proposals for poster presentations and specific sessions in the line with the conference themes. Proposals for sessions shall include a preliminary title of the session, names of possible speakers and a short outline on the issues to be discussed (max. 250 words) and should be send to the above mentioned email address by *Monday, January 24, 2011*.

    *We also welcome participants attending the conference without presenting a paper themselves.

    *Conference fees*
    100 € (including conference folder, coffee breaks, lunch sessions)

    No conference fees for current fellows of the IAS-STS fellowship programme 2010/11 and for graduate or PhD students.

    *Grants covering conference fees*
    Participants from central, eastern and south-eastern Europe may apply for a reduction or exemption from conference fees. Please announce your application in the online registration form, which will be available soon after confirmation of accepted abstracts. Registration will be open until *Monday, March 21, 2011.*

    *Grants partly covering travel expenses*
    We can offer grants partly covering travel expenses for:

    – graduate or PhD students
    – participants from central, eastern and south-eastern Europe

    Up to 50 percent of the travel costs with a maximum amount of 100 € can be reimbursed.

    If you would like to apply for a travel grant, please checkmark it in the registration form. Reimbursement for travel expenses will be given only after submitting your original tickets (eg. train, flight tickets,etc.).

    Registration for the 10th IAS-STS conference on “Critical Issues in Science and Technology Studies” will be open until *Monday, March 21, 2011.*. The online registration form will be accessible by the beginning of February 2011.

    **Conference Venue**
    IFZ- Inter-University Research Centre for Technology, Work and Culture
    Schlögelgasse 2
    8010 Graz, Austria

    For more information:

  4. abmoniz diz:

    Nos próximos dias 10 e 11 de Janeiro estará entre nós o Doutor Leonhard Hennen do ITAS-KIT e membro do TAB (organização de Avaliação de Tecnologia do Parlamento alemão).
    Leonhard Hennen é coordenador do European Technology Assessment Group (ETAG) []
    Desde Outubro de 2005 um grupo de institutos europeus – com o ITAS como parceiro líder – têm providenciado serviços técnicos e científicos para o Parlamento Europeu sobre aspectos sociais, ambientais e económicos dos novos desenvolvimentos tecnológicos e científicos. Esses serviços cobrem as áreas de biotecnologia, nanotecnologia, transporte, tecnologias de informação, agricultura, alimentação, bem estar humano, etc.
    É sobre a organização do ETAG e a sua relação com o Parlamento Europeu e parlamentos nacionais que traz Leonhard Hennen a Portugal para dar um seminário no âmbito do Programa de Doutoramento em Avaliação de Tecnologia e promover uma reunião de trabalho com parlamentares portugueses.

    Bibliografia da autoria de Hennen:

  5. abmoniz diz:

    Seminário de Leonhard Hennen (ITAS-Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany)


    Technology Assessment activities at the European Parliament

    * 10 de Janeiro de 2011

    seminário no âmbito do Programa Doutoral de Avaliação de Tecnologia
    Local: Auditório da Biblioteca da FCT-UNL
    Monte de Caparica
    Hora: 16h30m – 18h00m

    entrada livre

    Organizado com o apoio do
    IET-Centro de Investigação em Inovação Empresarial e do Trabalho
    e do
    ITAS-Institute of Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (KIT)

  6. mariajmaia diz:

    Não poderia deixar de felicitar a organização pelo evento e agradecer a possibilidade dada em conhecer e poder trocar ideias com o Doutor Leonhard Hennen.
    O seminário foi muito interessante! A apresentação do Doutor Leonhard Hennen foi esclarecedora e a troca de ideias que lhe precederam foi muito útil.

  7. martinsmoretto diz:

    Gostava de partilhar convosco a Lund Declaration de 2009 Esta contribui para a reflexão sobre as linhas estratégicas para a implementação da politica europeia de R&D post FP7. Sendo, para mim, de destacar: “Alert functions and inclusive foresight processes should be developed for flexible and prompt actions to meet unforeseen challenges” (adendum pag. 2); “Bringing together supply- and demand -side measures to support both business develop- ment and public policy goals. Measures (…)” (The Lund Declaration, pag. 1.

    • martinsmoretto diz:

      To meet the grand challenges, Europe is going in the direction of a thematic oriented strategy for its R&D policy: that is found in the document “The European Economic Recovery Plan”, where among other measures, the European Economic Recovery Plan launched the European Green Cars Initiative (EGCI) and reinforced by the The Lund Declaration (Swedish Research Council 2009) recommendations. Transdisciplinarity of research is mentioned a key element.

  8. martinsmoretto diz:

    Será que se justifica ter-mos uma página especifica Forum? O objectivo seria o de partilhar-mos algumas da reflexões que resultam do que andamos a ler fora do reading Lab.

    • abmoniz diz:

      Creio que sim. Ainda estamos a desenvolver esta página mas creio que sim. Se tal não for possível, poderemos criar uma página no FaceBook com essa função. Que acham?

  9. mariajmaia diz:

    Realizou-se no dia 21 o Workshop “Avaliação de Tecnologia de Saúde em Portugal: Perspectivas”, promovido pela AIBILI – Association for Innovation and Biomedical Research on Light and Image, em Coimbra.
    O programa do Workshop pode ser consultado no link:

    Click to access AIBILI_Workshop_20110121_Programa.pdf

    Estive presente e devo dizer que foi muito interessante. O painel de oradores foi excelente, bem como as suas comunicações.
    Tive oportunidade de contactar com algumas individualidades e fazer alguns contactos, Bem como de felicitar o Dr. Batel Marques, Coordenador da área de Avaliação de Tecnologia da AIBILI, pela organização do Workshop.

  10. Susana Martins Moretto diz:

    A UAQ convidou o Profesor LUIS JOYANES AGUILAR para falar sobre CLOUD COMPITING Y EMPRESA 2.0. Está disponivel online em (ver a partir do minuto 27). Muito interessante.

  11. Maria João Maia diz:

    “O VI Encontro Nacional das Ciências e Tecnologias da Saúde é um evento que visa promover o intercâmbio científico, técnico e cultural no âmbito das ciências e tecnologias da saúde a nível nacional, sucedendo a cinco edições realizados desde 1993, que têm contado sempre com elevado número de participantes.

    Este evento pretende ser um momento de reencontro de profissionais, docentes e estudantes de saúde para debate e actualização, suportado num programa científico, que conta com a participação de personalidades nacionais e internacionais de reconhecido mérito, abordando temáticas em torno de cinco eixos – Investigação, Inovação, Práticas, Cidadania, Internacionalização – apresentadas sob a forma de Painéis, Conferências, Sessões Simultâneas, Cursos, Workshops e Simpósios.

    O VI Encontro Nacional das Ciências e Tecnologias da Saúde irá decorrer nos dias 20, 21 e 22 de Outubro de 2011 na Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa (ESTeSL), Lisboa – Parque das Nações.

    Este evento visa promover o intercâmbio técnico, científico e cultural na área das Ciências e Tecnologias das Saúde a nível nacional.

    O Programa do Encontro, que conta com a participação de personalidades nacionais e internacionais de reconhecido mérito, aborda temáticas referentes à Investigação, Inovação, Práticas, Cidadania, Internacionalização apresentadas sob a forma de Painéis, Conferências, Sessões Simultâneas, Cursos Workshops, e Simpósios.”

  12. António Brandão Moniz diz:

    International Symposion

    Evolutionary Robotics, Organic Computing and Adaptive Ambience:
    Epistemological and Ethical Implications of Technomorphic Descriptions of Technologies

    October 20-22, 2011 – Hector School, Schlossplatz 19, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany

    In focus of the symposion are the methodological, anthropological and ethical implications of the most recent technological advances in the field of autonomous systems, particularly the two paradigms of ambient technologies and organic computing.

    Ambient technology design as well as organic computing aim at autonomous systems which are supposed to act as human agents, simulating human activities, properties or skills. And both paradigms display some remarkable similarities, insofar as they apply the very same technical solutions in order to construct autonomous systems, e.g. non-von-Neumann architectures, SOMs, neural nets. And both paradigms use the same biomorphic metaphors in order to describe the construction, the function and the usage of the resulting systems, stating adaptive and evolutionary strategies of the systems that enables them to “interpret intentions”, so understand emotions and finally to act sociably.

    The use of biomorphic metaphors, however, seems to indicate not only a variation of already existing technological solutions; the metaphorical connotations emphasise design of a new and unprecedented type of systems which are neither bio- nor artefacts but behavioural simulacra. As such they resemble certain cognitive features of homo sapiens and combine technical self-assembly with evolutionary efficiency. This specific combination of biological and technological designs raises some intriguing philosophical questions which constitute the focus of this symposion.

  13. António Brandão Moniz diz:

    PACITA Open House session

    Start: September 7, 2011

    Venue: De Markten, Oude Graanmarkt 5, B-1000, Brussel
    Address: Brussels

    The Parliaments and Civil Society in Technology Assessment project (PACITA) is holding a two-hour Open House session on Wednesday September 7, 2011. This session will mostly be a networking activity with emphasis on possible collaboration within the PACITA project. The organizers do not target a large audience for this session, but rather a limited number of spokespersons with the right network to collaborate with PACITA. You can apply forparticipation by sending an e-mail to “johan.evers”.

    PACITA is a four-year EU financed project under FP7 aimed at increasing the capacity and enhancing the institutional foundation for knowledge-based policy-making on issues involving science, technology and innovation, mainly based upon the diversity of practices in Parliamentary Technology Assessment (PTA). Such practices involve a range of methods of cross-disciplinary expert studies, stakeholder involvement, citizen consultation and parliamentary discourse.

    PACITA focus highly on mutual learning, networking and outreach, and the project is open for cooperation with outside partners. Therefore an Associated Partner Group will be established. The Open House session is a first possibility to learn more about PACITA and the possibilities of being Associated Partner.

    See for more information about PACITA their website at

  14. Susana Martins Moretto diz:

    Our research work visible at the European conference on corporate R&D – CONCORD 2011 – in Seville

    The working paper on “Innovation Assessment in a local branch of a rail transport manufacture industry – A case study”, done by two of the students of the doc. programme on technology assessment in Portugal, Boavida and Moretto, was presented as poster at the Third European Conference on Corporate R&D (CONCORD 2011), held on the 6th October in Seville.

    This way contributing, together with other 16 posters and 31 papers, to the over all objective of the conference, this year, aiming providing relevant input to the European Commission policy making in view to the preparation of a communication entitled Horizons 2020, by outlining blank spots in R&D and identifying the policy implications of corporate research.

    Boavida and Moretto paper addressed in particular the R&D strategies and knowledge flows between a multinational and its local branch and its impacts for the national innovation system in view of flagship public investments, using as case the project of the Portuguese high-speed train.

    The conference was organised by the JRC’s Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS) focusing on the “The dynamics of Europe’s industrial structure and growth of innovative firms”, from which should result a communication to be presented early 2012 to the draft committee of the European Commission communication Horizons 2020, name given to the next European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, with the novelty of integrating all existing funding programmes spread in the different domains, i.e. research, competitiveness and institute of innovation and technology.

    Related links:
    Working Paper Boavida & Moretto:
    Conference CONCORD 2011:
    European Commission Horizons 2020:

  15. Susana Martins Moretto diz:

    PhD students on Technology Assessment publish paper at ALTEC 2011 Latin America conference in Lima

    Boavida & Moretto working paper (2010) “Innovation Assessment of a Portuguese railway branch of a foreign multinational: A case study” was published in the proceedings of ALTEC 2011 (pages. 339: 587), as an expression of interest Latin America has in the Portuguese case in attracting and fixing knowledge in view of major public projects as the one of the high-speed train.

    The XIV Congreso Latino-Iberoamericano de Gestión Tecnológica – ALTEC 2011, held between 19-21 October 2011 in Lima, Perú, was organized by the Asociación Latino-Iberoamericana de Gestión Tecnológica – ALTEC, with the objective to create in the region a forum of debate and exchange of information and best practices between the Latin America researchers in policy and technology management. The proceedings account with 514 papers.

    ALTEC 2011

  16. martinsmoretto diz:

    Technology Assessment brought to RAILWAYS 2012

    Technology Assessment brought to the engineering conference Railways 2012 (18-19 April, Las Palmas) with Susana Moretto’s presentation on “Technology Assessment in the High-speed Train manufacturing Industry: evidence from a case study” at the panel on strategy and policy. It was a highly attended event with over 200 researchers from all over the world sharing their most recent technology developments on railway systems. At the conference was also presented DTL project on the “Novel rail vehicle concepts for the high-speed train: the next generation train”, of relevance which worth to be followed

  17. RAILWAYS 2014 session 8 gives oportunity for TA to be adressed in an railway technical event and dialogue with the social and engineering comunities. Apply now

    • abmoniz diz:

      Railways 2014
      The Second International Conference on Railway Technology: Research, Development and Maintenance
      Ajaccio, Corsica, France, 8-11 April 2014
      Session: Railway Research Commercialization: Economy, Technology and Society
      organised by Susana Martins Moretto (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal) and Dr H.X. Pan (Tongji University, Shanghai) and Dr M. Milenkovic (University of Belgrade, Serbia)

      • For the first time technology assessment is expressly referred in the conference call. it is a great opportunity for social sciences dialogue with this particular engineering community. Trains are a large and complex technology system with high social impact which TA can greatly contribute to anticipate its impacts in society. This way it is expected to support efforts in decrease risk failures of research commercialization.

  18. abmoniz diz:

    The European Conference on Technology Assessment (Prague, March 13-15, 2013) addressed examples of societal areas witnessing great transitions like health care and medicine, energy supply, climate change and mobility in addition to the use of computer technology in all areas of society. The main subject areas covered included:
    The kinds of knowledge and dialogue needed for decision-making in societies in order to accomplish the great transitions
    The kinds of projects and programs, institutions, approaches and methods needed by technology assessment in these processes
    Novel methods, such as the use of various art forms, to reach different types of actors and target groups
    The special interests and needs of EU member states in the various areas of the European Union with respect to policy advice for the great transitions
    Results of projects on topics related to the great transitions, for example:
    Health care in an ageing society (e.g. e-Health, robotics for home care, ambient assisted living)
    Energy supply in the aftermath of the Fukushima disaster (e.g. renewables)
    Mobility (e.g. urban transport, e-mobility, logistics)
    Changes to societal relationships through ICT (social computing etc.)
    The use of project results in policy-making and other activities.

    The conference was addressed to all groups of actors in science and policy studies: policy makers in legislation and administration, civil society organisations as well as academics and TA practitioners. Instead of sessions consisting purely of presentations of papers, the conference planners welcomed contributions in novel forms, such as tandem presentations by the clients of studies and practitioners, and use of the new media or forms of art to stimulate debate or present results.

  19. abmoniz diz:

    Em poderá encontrar elementos de estudos académicos sobre os impactes de projectos mineiros em Portugal. Este é também um tema a necessitar de uma abordagem em avaliação de tecnologia

  20. Nuno Boavida diz:

    Os representantes do Observatório de Avaliação de Tecnologia foram hoje recebidos pelo Senhor Vice-Presidente da Assembleia da República, Deputado Jorge Lacão, no seu Gabinete do Palácio de S. Bento.
    Foram temas da conversa entre as partes as actividades de Avaliação Tecnológica Parlamentar em Portugal e as possibilidades de colaboração futura.

Deixe um comentário